Daily Coding

Feb 5

Daily Coding Log Template

Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Daily Goals:

Objective 1: [Detailed description of what you aim to achieve today.] Get my games to display whenever I log them in

Objective 2: [Another goal or specific topic you plan to explore.] Forms and Work on Portfolio

Planned Learning Sessions:

Session 1:

Topic: [The main focus of this session.] Apex Tracker

Resources: [Books, courses, documentation, or tutorials you plan to use.] Chatgpt, whatever I find on the internet, I will post here

Duration: [Estimated time you plan to spend.] As long as it takes til atleast 4

Session 2:

Topic: [Another topic of focus.]

Resources: [Materials you will consult.]

Duration: [Time allocated for this session.]

Tasks to Complete: Task 1: [Description of the specific task.] Task 2: [Another task you plan to complete.]

Code Practice/Challenges:

Challenge 1: [Name or description of the coding challenge or problem.] Create a GameHistory component

Solution Overview: [Brief overview of your approach or solution.] Think about what data types I need for typescript Think about how the data will flow

What I Did Today:

Learning Outcomes: [Summary of what you learned during your sessions.]

Completed Tasks: Task 1: [Details about the task and how you completed it.] Task 2: [Insights or challenges faced during this task.]

Challenges Encountered: [Any problems you faced and how you overcame them or plan to address them.]


What went well?: [Your thoughts on what aspects of your plan were successful.]

What could be improved?: [Areas for improvement or things you could do differently.]

Next Steps: [Brief outline of what you plan to focus on in the coming days.]

Additional Notes:

[Any other thoughts, interesting findings, or resources you came across.]