Week of Aug 27
Monday Aug 28
Another bad week of code, but have some defined task I want to get done this week
Finish Section D and E in part 2 of the course
Start to mock up new site for wireless guru and angelos website
This week try to focus on limiting destractions and putting in the same effort that I do to marathon prep in to coding.
Remove people that don't give you piece of mind
Changing the importance of Notes (quick summary)
the Notes component itself takes in two props, the note itself and a function to toggle the importance
finish final form of the toggleImportanceOf function
Tuesday Aug 29
- finishing final form of the event handler function
Wednesday Aug 30
Thursday Aug 31
- Initial Reading
- Hands on practice
- Note Taking
- Break It Down
Random Idea
Strava but for programmers to document their learning journey
- Its hard to see progress when coding because there is so much that I feel like I need to learning